Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Server and FYP Progress

Its always nice to give an old dog a new life, and that is exactly what I did. My mothers old P4 1.6GHz machine has been re-installed with Windows Server 2003. It runs beautifully! The best part is, it only has 128Mb of RAM. The worst part is, it starts up quicker than my main box.

On the Final Year Project front, all seems to be going well. I am into my analysis stage now, and hopefully I will get the opportunity to get started on the design soon.

Bye for now.

Monday, November 20, 2006


Saturday saw me go to Southport with my girlfriend to join a re-union of the Switzerland gang. What a fantastic night! Starting off in Lloyd's, then moving the Bakers and then Starsky's. A great night was had by all, so a quick "Thank you" to all who made the trip.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Blogger Beta

Last night I moved my blog from the current version of Blogger to the new beta version. What a pain! I had to re-code a part of my atom consumer after several hours of head scratching!

I cannot wait until my new blogging system is done!

Monday, November 06, 2006


Saturday saw me and my lovely girlfriend travel to Barwell in Leicestershire to visit several friends from our time in Switzerland who had all decided to meet up for a grand night out.

Leicester is a fantastic place to go out, and such cultural diversity re-assures me that it is possible for people of multiple faiths and backgrounds to get along.

A quick thank you to Nick and Dave for being great hosts, and thanks to Mark for making the effort to come down from York.

I'm sure I enticed Nick and Dave to head down to Stafford one of these days...

Friday, November 03, 2006

One small step...

IE7 is now a "high priority" update on Microsoft Update. Great news for the web design community.

Microsoft even admit that this release of IE doesn't address every issue with web standards support (take the "q" tag for example), but it does represent Microsoft's effort to try and get back in the browser game.

Lets hope that Microsoft listen to the needs of web developers and shape a better product in the IE releases to come (they are connected with the Web Standards Project after all).

To twist Neil Armstrong's words: "This is one small step for web standards, one giant leap for Microsoft web standards compliance".

Also, Windows Media Player 11 has been released too!