Sunday, December 31, 2006

Under the weather

Hello all and I hope you had a good Christmas. I am especially happy for my shiny new XBox360, and hope to be on XBox Live soon to be shown how to play games properly!

I'm currently back up north to celebrate the new year with my girlfriend, and will be back at university revising before too long.

Until a time very soon,

Enjoy the new year, and I wish everyone all the best for 2007!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

UML and the FYP

I've been getting my head into some analysis as part of my Final Year Project at university. I've decided to use a hybrid RUP/WISDM methodology throughout the project (as required by the university), and this requires the use of UML.

After getting hold of this great book, my knowledge of the UML has grown incredibly and I'm able to apply more and more of it to my design patterns and software architecture diagrams.

Once I have got the analysis stage complete (which ultimately requires a UML use-case diagram to act as a model of the system requirements) I'll be able to use more UML in the design stage. I can't wait!