I'd just like to give my thanks to the people who have given me some great tips and improvements for my site so far. Your help has been brilliant and well received in helping me build my site.
Thanks go to: Steve Daniels, Nicola Carroll, David Purdom, Matt Dovey, and Mark Wraith.
I strongly believe that a website designer should welcome all comments, both good and bad inorder to make their site much better. If people hate the contact form, why do they? Hopefully I can be in a position some day soon to show my site as an example of usable feedback.
On a side note, I have recently aquired the domain name www.aaronallport.com. This should point to my site on the 9th July 2006 onwards.
I really like Brad’s new project, Cold Album Drumming:
Brad Frost plays drums to the albums he knows intimately, but has never
drummed to before. Cover t...
1 day ago