As you may or may not know. I am a student at Staffordshire University. As of yesterday I have moved back up to Stafford and will be looking forward to getting back into the Assignments/Essays/Exams lifestyle.
I will carry on web designing/developing during my third year. This will help with experience and knowledge within the web designing/development field.
It was great to see the gang again after being away on placement. Many of my friends went abroad too last year on placement, mainly in Germany.
I will miss Switzerland, as I worked for a fantastic Agri-Business and met my wonderful girlfriend there. I will always miss the snowboarding, but hopefully my financial future will be kind enough to me to allow me to go back. I also got to meet Jeremy Keith and Andy Budd last year too (they came over to give some usability training and a DOM Scripting/AJAX workshop).
I will miss the guys and girls I lived with the most, so here is a shout out to Nicola, Matt, Mark, Stijn, Jimbo, Dave, Radha and Michelle.
Rather than dwell on how much I miss last year, I will instead look forward to this next year with an open mind and with lots of optimism. Third year at Uni.... bring it on!
I really like Brad’s new project, Cold Album Drumming:
Brad Frost plays drums to the albums he knows intimately, but has never
drummed to before. Cover t...
1 day ago