As you may or may not know. I am a student at Staffordshire University. As of yesterday I have moved back up to Stafford and will be looking forward to getting back into the Assignments/Essays/Exams lifestyle.
I will carry on web designing/developing during my third year. This will help with experience and knowledge within the web designing/development field.
It was great to see the gang again after being away on placement. Many of my friends went abroad too last year on placement, mainly in Germany.
I will miss Switzerland, as I worked for a fantastic Agri-Business and met my wonderful girlfriend there. I will always miss the snowboarding, but hopefully my financial future will be kind enough to me to allow me to go back. I also got to meet Jeremy Keith and Andy Budd last year too (they came over to give some usability training and a DOM Scripting/AJAX workshop).
I will miss the guys and girls I lived with the most, so here is a shout out to Nicola, Matt, Mark, Stijn, Jimbo, Dave, Radha and Michelle.
Rather than dwell on how much I miss last year, I will instead look forward to this next year with an open mind and with lots of optimism. Third year at Uni.... bring it on!
I’ve been reading lots of modern takes on Greek classics. So when I saw
that there was going to be a short of run of Sophocles’s Electra at
Brighton’s Th...
1 day ago