Monday, January 08, 2007

Design, Exams and XBOX Live

So today saw me complete the technical design of my final year project. I'm slightly concerned that the final report will be accompianed by a huge appendix when I go to hand it in at the end of April. The report carries a word limit of 20,000 words. Thats roughly 100 pages. The repost is also due to contain 6 chapters, one for each of the following:

  • Context and Preliminary Investigation
  • Analysis
  • Design
  • Implementation
  • Testing
  • Project Critical Evaluation and Summary

To put it bluntly, I have written 22,000 words, across 109 pages. I am yet to finish chapter 3.

Also consuming my time is the exams I have this week. Two on wednesday (with a one hour gap in between), and one on Thursday. To top it all off I have an End of Semester Viva Voce on Friday. What a fun packed week this week will be!

I have also recently discovered XBOX Live since getting a months free gold memberships with the shiny new XBOX360 I so gladly received on Christmas day from my father. I am addicted to Project Gotham Racing 3 at the moment, although I am being a good student and not letting it contend with studying for my time.

Oh well, back to revising Design Patterns, Advanced Porgramming Language Concepts and Algorithmics...