I'm back from my 5 night trip to Majorca, complete with a dose of "man flu". I have started building my website, with strict separation of content, presentation and behaviour. With most of my department not in the office this week, hopefully I can get a chance to get some serious design and behaviour stuff done, so I can spend the next couple of weeks adding content. I will send out a web address as soon as its in a state worthy of being shared.
I have been developing my own framework DLL alongside the development of my website, in order to help me avoid repeting common tasks during website development. This DLL also contains many useful functions, such as doctype declaration. I now use an asp.net literal control at the top of the page, and set its text property to "DocType.Xhtml1Point1Strict". This avoids me mis-spelling and head-scratching. This is still in early development, but I aim to release it as a free download in the near future.
Hopefully I will shift this cold soon too. Sniff sniff...
I really like Brad’s new project, Cold Album Drumming:
Brad Frost plays drums to the albums he knows intimately, but has never
drummed to before. Cover t...
1 day ago