I am classed as "lucky" among my close friends as having a job with flexi-time hours. This essentially means, I can do my 40 hours per week when I like, providing I work at least 2 business hours per day.
The web application I work on decided to break today when it got updated, as a simple stylesheet change made generated html useless in email messages. Being the technical lead for the application, it was my duty to fix the problem.
When your boss is on travel and your project manager isn't at work, life can become difficult. This was especially true today, as there was no communication as to why the change to the stylsheet was made or what it impacted. It took me most of the day to drill down to the problem of why emails weren't displaying any images.
Take one of those plastic rulers from when you were at school. Bend it hard enough and it breaks...
I really like Brad’s new project, Cold Album Drumming:
Brad Frost plays drums to the albums he knows intimately, but has never
drummed to before. Cover t...
2 days ago