Today I decided to go through the markup code that is used with html emails sent from the web application I work on. A customer requested a change to an email template, and so I went on about honouring this change for them. The email templates were not created by myself, but rather an out-sourced company of "professionals". To put it short, I was shocked.
In the age of the web, standards compliance is now the bread and butter of a web developers job. I was shocked to see multiple uses of the same id on the same page, and the use of tables for layout. Have these guys ever heard of CSS? Apparently not. A 2 minute job turned out be be an afternoon of html formatting (and enforcing the use of classes) and CSS.
Next time you rest assured that simple tasks will be completed well by a "professional", think again..
I really like Brad’s new project, Cold Album Drumming:
Brad Frost plays drums to the albums he knows intimately, but has never
drummed to before. Cover t...
2 days ago